Today wake up at 6.25 which is considered the most earliest time i woke up for school...hahas... den met esther at school bus stop and walked to pasir ris together! Love her! hahas...Today in the end i decided to run for cross country. Run like hell actually wanted to give up in the middle but at last persevere till the end. YIPEE! =D
Class cheering competition was fun but quite disappointing that our class did not win. We put in quite a lot effort sia. But nevetherless, still love 3/8! 3/8 rocks! =D Report books results was okays...but disappointed in my a.maths. Wateva lahz! Dun care le next time den do better. Post some pictures i took with christine they all today!

Me and Li Tong! =D

Me and Jacqueline! =D

Me and Yancy! =D

Me and Christine! =D

Me and Chui wern! =D