This is my primary school library!.

This is my primary school library the computer corner.

This is my primary school place...(4got what is it called le..lol)

Yeh! And this is my primary school foyer with its big name..haha!
OMG!!! 2mr the choir is goin to perform le....so nervous! Sumore i was standing in the front row...so afraid that the audience will not listen to us.....den lyk vry paiseh lehz...Nvrm..haha...hope the senior will come and support us!!! 2dae is teacher's day..i had so much fun!!! But horx...the school vry bad coz most sch half day lehz but our sch full day! Walao...2dae wentback primary school but kana chase out by the DM(discipline master)...happy happy come visit teacher...they give us this kind of service..sumore i still buy present...bt nvrm..nt my teacher fault. haha!! OMG!! I did not know that Mdm qiu is pregnant!!OMG!!! Bt anyway...HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY TO ALL THE TEACHERS THAT HAVE TEACH MII!!! WHOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! N i will update either 2mr or sun abt my experience of the concert!! Pls come and support IF YOU ARE FREE!!! Singapore conference hall...6.30-7.00! Entrance fee is free! Here is some photos taken by my sister of my primary school....